Hey there! I’m
Christy Land

A trailblazer bringing mindful living and personal growth education to teachers and teens in the classroom while pioneering mindfulness curriculum programs in school districts ready to really make a difference.


Official Bio

Christy is a Mindfulness and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Educator & Teacher

She has been in education for 14 years as a high school teacher and started exploring mindfulness in the classroom in 2019. Since then she’s seen a dramatic shift in herself, in her students, and in the classroom environment.

In addition to teaching High School students, she teaches a Mindfulness graduate course for educators to support them in escaping teacher burnout, teaches how to begin a personal mindfulness practice and how to integrate mindfulness in their classrooms with students.

In 2022, she created the first ever Mindfulness class that teens can take for credit in the Kansas City Metro area. She saw so much success that in 2023, she doubled student enrollment for her Mindfulness class and hopes to continue to grow the program and see mindfulness classes offered in every high school to support adolescents.


Mindful Minute with Christy Land

A podcast with guided meditations that empowers and supports you in creating a more mindful life.


Mindfulness Foundations

An 8 week online digital course.

The purpose of this class is to support educators in implementing mindfulness in their personal lives and in the classroom.  In this course, you will learn strategies and practical tools to start exploring with mindfulness with your students.

Educator + Student Insights & Testimonials

all testimonials submitted via anonymous teacher / student survey


I would love to work with you! Get in touch with any questions, how to book your next mindfulness workshop, or about guest speaker booking opportunities and collaborations.